Blowing in the Wind

Today we are anchored on the banks near Devil’s and Hoffman’s Cays. The wind is from the west to northwest and the current runs east or west, depending on the state of the tide. All night long, the boats in here jostled and bounced and twisted about their anchors with the wind against the current. The waves slapped against our overhung transom and sent salt water flying into the cockpit. Now the tide has turned and we are just bouncing and tossing instead of lurching. This is a huge improvement.

The wind is supposed to increase and clock more northward during the day, so maybe things will calm down somewhat. Tomorrow, by dawn, the wind should die a little and clock some more, going to the northeast. This will allow us to haul anchor and sail to Nassau. A vessel from Manitoba, “Say Yes” with David and Bob aboard will accompany us on the trek. Wendy, the usual Admiral aboard, has gone home for Christmas and Bob is helping David sail south into the Exumas. They will take a dock in Nassau while we anchor as usual.

The stores will be closing as we arrive but I will try to get tokens for the laundry as soon as I can. That job can be done on Saturday or Sunday, depending on weather. Another cold front is expected through on Sunday with again some very strong winds. Hopefully the stores will re-open on Monday and we can visit the grocery to re-stock our vegetable bin.

On Tuesday, we should be able to continue on into the Exuma Cays, with plans to reach Staniel before New Years. Perhaps we shall enter the regatta once again, depending on the crew situation.

So, those are our plans for the next few days. Written in jello, as always.

Enjoy your Christmas gatherings with family and friends. If we manage to get an e-mail connection, you may hear from us by Skpye. Otherwise, Merry Christmas to all and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!!! Imagine, 2011!

Heather & Murray