Critter Report
Hello all
On April 4th, we arrived back in the US after a short, but lovely, winter in the Bahamas. The last 8 days were spent in White Sound at Green Turtle Cay. Although we were held there due to weather, it was still an enjoyable time with old friends nearby and new ones to be made.
In the last two weeks, we have encountered several different critters. Most were birds but not all, so that is why I said “critters”.
The first such meeting was a pair of green parrots that circled the anchorage each evening. They would screech and holler as they flew the circuit and we never knew if they were captives that were allowed out for exercise or wild parrots, on a scheduled fly-over. Research has since shown that they are the Rose-throated or Cuban Parrot, once native to the islands but now few in
After we left Green Turtle, we sailed to Powell Cay and were greeted by another rare sighting. Tropicbirds! Six of these lovely, long-tailed birds were swooping, soaring and chittering around our boat.
Back in the US, we motored past a few
small islands, north of Titusville. Here I
always find some roseate spoonbills and I was lucky enough to see a couple of these pink birds once again.
And then, just a few minutes later, we saw many manatee! They were in the Haulover Canal and seemed to be playing in the water. I cannot count how many tails and backs we saw in the time it took us to pass this waterway.
We never see the actual creature but just a nose, a humped back or the tail as it disappears.
What a week this was! I hope that you enjoy the photos that I found on-line.